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Décoloniser l'esprit

by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, translated from English by Sylvain Prudhomme, La Fabrique éditions 2011

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Ripe for embarrassment: For a New Musical Masochism

a lecture by Matador Oven, translated by Adam Overton

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The Best of The Take: How Egypt's hottest music genre was banned

by Mina Girgis

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The Idea of Black Culture

Hortense J. Spillers, The New Centennial Review, Volume 6

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Ein Manifest zur Konzertkultur

Steven Walter, from the book Das Konzert II

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The history of the xylophone and the marimba

by Wilber England, Indiana University Bands

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Learning to listen

with Chimurenga (Ntone Edjabe), moderated by Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz

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