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Many thanks for the support in the implementation of the following projects, among others: Zellweger Park Uster, Swiss Orchestra Lachen, Soulfood Delivery, 100 Klaviere, Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 2, YANGO Biennale Kinshasa x guerillaclassics | Museum Rietberg, Transformation Project.


In August 2019, the Zellweger Park in Uster became the stage for the saxophone quartet led by Valentine Michaud. For an entire afternoon, the four played pieces by Lago, Florio or Mellits at various locations around the park.

Fondation SUISA • Stadt Zürich Kultur • Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur • Max Kohler Stiftung • Klavierwerkstatt René Waldhauser • Ernst Göhner Stiftung • Hans F. Tellenbach-Stiftung • Migros Kulturprozent • Gebr. Bachmann • artlink • WaliDad • Albert Huber-Stiftung • Stiftung temperatio • Elisabeth Weber Stiftung • Pro Helvetia • Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung •