en fr de 

guerillaclassics goes international – during the South Africa tour, we began to explore classical music outside traditional European conventions for the first time and brought together musicians from different musical and cultural backgrounds in Zurich and Cape Town. Together they not only played pieces composed especially for the tour by Neo Muyanga and Nik Bärtsch, but also improvised and created their own new works.

28 June - 2 July 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City

The Uninterrupted Song for the City

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Valentine Michaud, Vincent Glanzmann, Eden Sekulović Rokia Bamba, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher

WaliDad • Stiftung temperatio • Albert Huber-Stiftung • Elisabeth Weber Stiftung • Gebr. Bachmann • artlink • Max Kohler Stiftung • Fondation SUISA • Hans F. Tellenbach-Stiftung • Migros Kulturprozent • Stadt Zürich Kultur • Pro Helvetia • Ernst Göhner Stiftung • Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung • Klavierwerkstatt René Waldhauser • Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur •